Monday, May 16, 2011


They are on guard. Michief makers beware!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Surprise....times it's fun to be wrong.

I'm usually quite full of myself. Little Miss Smarty Pants and everything. I admit it. However, I do try very hard to admit when I'm wrong...I think this is an important thing to model for my students and along with that the fact that it's okay to be wrong.

But, yesterday when faced with a particurally difficult interaction I was forced to admit to myself that I had completely underestimated another individual. These are the times it is wonderful to be wrong. I love being surprised by people. I love it when people I love prove to me that they are even more wonderful and insightful than I had previously given them credit for being.

The details aren't important here, just that I was wrong and was reminded that I am a lucky girl. Who needs to ask for what she needs and to be patient with the world.

It was sunny and bright, I got plants put in my raised beds and had three little pots from the high school plant sale that I couldn't later.