Maybe not an actual post but a list and not even a complete one. But, the start of one.
After the wedding I was laying on the couch at my handsome friend's place, picking bobby pins out of my hair and talking to his roommate/brother.
"How was the wedding?" Roommate/brother asked.
"Wonderful." I said. "But, you know what, I don't think I could actually give a valid opinion I love them both so much." And it's true. I'm so fond of them and happy for them that it is impossible to be biased.
Things I loved about getting to be a part of this wedding.
1. The bride's grandmother wore shiny sparkly blue nail polish on her toes and fingers.
2. My little brother finagled an invite, by reassuring the bride that no matter what happened with her dress, she'd still be beautiful. He somehow had never been to a wedding, besides my mother's and needed help shopping. It had to be explained that pinstriped pants do not match any sort of striped shirt.
3. The bride was brave enough to let the florist, a friend, "surprise" her with the bouquet. It was a beautiful surprise, vintage NOT earthy.
4. The step mother of the groom offered the bride a half a Valium before the wedding. The bride politely declined.
5. The wedding started at 5:00. At 4:40 the bride, two bridesmaids, a grandmother and the officiant (me) were still at the salon. Which was okay, because when we got there the arbor had apparently just toppled over and problems were being solved.
6. A hellion of a flower girl. Very cute, very bad. I have a dog she should meet.
7. Dogs! At the reception. A squirmy black lab puppy and two very old wiener dogs.
That's all for now, possibly more later.