Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This was my answer.

To a friend's question, how do you know you're over someone. Not sure it's perfect, but it's what I think.

You give yourself time.
You don't push it.
You fill your days with people and things you love and you love to do.
You allow yourself to feel, but don't get too involved.
You are nice to yourself.
And you don't stress about it.

I think, and some may disagree, that those memories stay tender for a long long time, something you shouldn't poke at, those become old wounds which just stop mattering. If I think hard, they are still there and upon feeling that tenderness, I get worked up. As if the fact that the pain still exists negates or calls into doubt any happy emotions I may currently feel. Its not the case at all. In each of us is a huge capacity to feel. Those feeling can both exist. I just refuse to give the old, achy ones any time or mental energy. I get to choose what matters.