Wednesday, August 26, 2009

More fun than a soapy wet


No smart words, just a cute picture. Work has started; my summer was so good I'm almost okay with that.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Buying a surfboard

I'm in a buying a surfboard sort of mood. Not an actual surfboard but a metaphorical surfboard. The sort of thing that becomes a vehicle of self determination. I met a guy once who had moved to California from the east coast and though by day he was a mild mannered (and very square) accountant, he decided that he wanted to be a surfer and so he bought a surfboard, began surfing and with that simple act became what he wanted to become. Crazy simple.

That's the mood I'm in. Maybe it's the beginning of the school year approaching. Which does signal the end of sloth and a necessary adherence to a schedule, is a new beginning and a sort of freedom that comes with having a schedule. Responsibilities are not inherently bad and I'm almost ready to pick up my fair share again. With that is a responsibility to myself. That's the most exciting (and scary) one. I do love the idea of deciding who and what you want to be and how you want to live your life and then trying to make it happen. And I'm in the sort of mood where I believe in all of it.

I'm going to go do something about the god awful pink bedroom. It's a start.

Friday, August 7, 2009

It was not my intention...

...for any part of this blog to be a forum for me to work out ideas that are currently inhabiting my WAY TOO obsessive brain. But, some of what I'm writing this summer is an attempt to do just that and since my writing and this blog WERE supposed to be supporting one another, I'm posting what I'm writing and writing what I'm thinking about.

So, I don't know if you've heard of the Fat Acceptance movement or the fatosphere, basically a bunch of websites/blogs devoted to reminding people that fat people are in fact people. I read a few of them, I ignore a bunch of it, but much of it ties in with a lot of feminist ideas that i definitely believe in.

So I read this post: , the one about Limbo and now I'm thinking... i can hear you "oh god, when will she go back to school and get a life" and the answer to that is, not yet, but soon. (I'm kidding, anyone reading this may roll their eyes at me out of love and but always ridiculously supportive of me, more than I can imagine that i deserve, but more on that later).

But, there are a few parts which bear consideration: (The italicized parts are direct quotes from the post.)

Fuck deserving it. Okay a good starting point. Who decides what we deserve? obviously we do. And the answer we give ourselves is based on a million factors from major (I worked for my degree I deserve to get a job i love) to minor (I look like shit today, of course the checker at the store was a jerk). But, and she goes on to discuss this but, how do we get to that part where we aren't continually judging ourselves.

Questions of what we’re worth, what we deserve…. They seem oddly religious in foundation to me. Or going back to the old reward system. You can only love yourself if you deserve it. I know the ideas of karma i was playing with earlier this summer do not take into account the idea of deserving, in fact that's almost contrary to what i was talking about earlier, but it is related to the idea of projecting an idea of yourself and what you deserve out upon the universe. How often do we overanalyze events in order to find a REASON they took place, and more often than not, we blame ourselves.

The other idea here is that it is a fundamentally religious question. Do we "deserve" love, of a god figure, of a partner, of our friends, of ourselves.....and if we do, how could we possibly believe it. Maybe I am speaking too broadly here. Too generally, but so often self love is so damn hard, the other people in our lives have so much more forgiveness than that which we offer ourselves. And it is so much easier to forgive someone else than ourselves.

She ends with advice: So, here’s my advice for the limbo period: You don’t have to have come to any conclusions, you just have to table the matter. And then treat yourself the way you would if you already loved yourself. Treat yourself well. And kindly. And treat other people the same way. And it will sink in. So, the answer, according to this beautifully written piece, patience and faith. Really? That's it....Oh good, I was hoping it would be easy.

Part of what I like about this post, and some of the equally well thought out and written comments is that it acknowledges that so many people are trying to work out the same ideas and issues. I think framing it in the idea of Fat Acceptance is slightly limiting. It's a human issue, dealing with ourselves and the ugly parts we have a difficult time forgiving. When it is letting go of those labels and living and thinking and writing and being (or whatever your particular thing may be) is the only way we are going to move forward to whatever we might hope to become. and really, the continual process of becoming sort of seems like the most i can hope for.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

dog sitting

I just got through dog sitting this super cute pooch, Ru. He and Sam spend so much time together they basically ignore one another's existence. Occasionally, Sam will realize that Ru is much cooler than he, and get pissy and try to tell him what to do. Ru for the most part will just back off and Sam is again content with the world.

Here are the two dogs, Sam in adventure dog mode on the jetty in Astoria and Ru covered in sand after obsessively chasing a stick.