I’m pretty indifferent to fireworks.
What I do like however, is watching people watch them.
The Fourth of July has never ranked very high among my favorite holidays or reasons to get together. I always remember being disappointed in the events as they actually unfolded. Happily, this year (and really the last several) was quite the opposite. At a party where I knew only a few people, I had a good time, surrounded by close friends and relative strangers who also turned out to beautiful, kind, funny people, who are examples of my favorite Portland stereotypes. It’s wonderful when people are both classic examples of what you think they will be AND surprisingly different. A happy irony.
Of course, this probably says much more about myself, as the one assigning those stereotypes and making those categorizations. Once I decided (about a year in) that I didn’t care that I wasn’t cool enough to live/socialize in Portland, people crackled to life both the stereotypes and exceptions. Amazing how much bigger the world seems when you are not overly concerned that you are not the center of it.
When I left, I told Tyler I was happily surprised about how fun last night was. Glad you were there :)
My favorite 4th of July memories are of hanging out in my parents back yard with the crew. doesn't get better.
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