I'm ready to be done with the cherries. I bought too many and though the ones I seeped in syrup are both pretty and tasty (although I keep wanting to make black cherry margaritas out of them), I had one more container, pitted and picked over and couldn't decide what to do with them. Then, I got a request for more recipes, this is funny because there are approximately 3 people reading this blog, four on a big day (but, that's not the point). So, this post kills two birds at once.
It is no longer hot here. I actually had to wear a vest to the dog park today, so I figured I would attempt to "preserve" the cherries. I found this "No-Recipe Cherry Jam" which I pulled from the link at the bottom of this post. It really was that easy. I don't know why I'm still surprised when I attempt to do something and the final product looks exactly like what I was envisioning (this applies to cooking, teaching, and house-based projects). It is a little too lemony. But, it's pretty and has the correct consistency. Not a bad start, especially because I have a date to make more jam, strawberry, tomorrow.
Although, while reading the description of how this is actually made, I did wonder what a reactive stock pot would be? Treated with some sort of nonstick material? And what would it be reacting with, the boiling sugar? I have no idea. I'm sure the Internet knows. I'm also sure I don't care enough to figure it out right now.
None of these pictures turned out. It's impossible to see how bright and pretty it looks. Maybe if I spooned it over ice cream?
I heard a whole piece on recipes for sweet cherries this morning on NPR....made me think of you :) They had recipes for cherry soup on the webpage!
I got mentioned on a blog! I got mentioned on a blog!
Also - you were wearing a VEST?!?! that gives me ideas...
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