starts tomorrow and honestly, I'm worried. There are big changes afoot, the type I'm not sure I'll be so great at handling, but after worrying and whining and expressing my concern and getting sick to my stomach at the very thought of it, I've decided it's just about time to put on my big girl panties and deal. A dear friend from work helped me reframe it in my mind and perhaps if I anticipate a difficult task with the promise of significant positive change for my students, then maybe, just maybe it will be okay. Or at least that's what I tell myself.
But, it's my last day of summer. I'm lame but I like to spend the end of break holed up, hunkered down, organizing the parts of my life that I have been neglectful of (what WAS that green slime at the bottom of my fridge?). So, I'm cleaning and reading and organizing. My handsome friend is asleep upstairs and later we're having dinner and making ice cream...he thought of and brought over all the necessary supplies.
This summer has been wonderful.
Here is a top of my head list of some of the cool things I've done: driven through the Redwoods, two day trips to the coast one with friends and one yesterday with my mom, camped two separate times, met babies, kissed babies, sunned, went to the zoo, ate amazing food, organized my basement into a craft space, family beach trip, Columbia River stern wheeler tour, swam in the river, discovered two new close day spending spots, watched two beautiful couples get married, read, then read some more, played with the dogs, bbq-ed, hosted great company and got to spend tons of time with people I love.
How lovely.
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