Sunday, March 14, 2010

sunday evening drunk-ish

Buzzed would be a better descriptor. But, either way, I've consumed enough alcohol that the national boards I had planned on aren't happening. This was not a productive weekend. I think it should still be okay; I have 17 days.

A good friend came over and we sat in front of the window and drank beer and talked about all sorts of stuff. I know this girl from high school. She was living in Portland when I first moved out here and she has subsequently moved back to Eastern Washington as she waits for word about grad school. Now, seeing her is a rare treat. As we were talking I mentioned that sometime in high school it became important to me to have a wide variety of friends...and mentioned that the friendship I formed with her, probably junior year, was evidence of that. She is artsy and liberal and free spirited and intellectual in a different way than anyone I had ever been friends with (not that my friends did not posses those characteristics but she is different).

This need for diversity has stayed with me, maybe as evidence of my own sometimes fractured sense of self, but really as a means of self preservation. I always had options, different groups of friends let me express a wider variety of my own personality than I felt comfortable exposing to just one person or group. Probably, it is insecurity but there was always something a bit liberating about letting different parts of my personality out in different situations. Maybe that way I don't get bored of myself...

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